Monday, May 22, 2017

The Choice Tunnel

The Choice Tunnel at the Shindler Factory was my favorite experience of the day. Our tour guide was very entergentic and eager, which heightened the already intemse emotions of the tour. Chronologically layed out, the tour gave the visitor more and more things to think about as time went on. Towards the close of the tour, our class, in haste to catch up with our impassioned tour guide, found ourselves quickly submerged in a dark tunnel. More surprising than darkness, however we had to shuffle our way along a squishy, uneven path to reach our destinstination, which ended up being a blinding white room in comparison. This room was full of contributions that seemingly average people made to better the lives of others during the time of the holocost.

This striking representation of bringing light and hope in a time of darkness and fear, was very moving to me. I could never say that I could almost relate to how the victims of the holocost felt, but I know that emerging from that tunnel to find an ally would be most comforting. The methophor this tunnel and light stood for was very powerful and unforgettable.

1 comment:

  1. I also agree that the very black room to the bright white room was very moving. It also opened my eyes to the extent people would do for other people to help out them during holocaust.
