Monday, May 29, 2017

Knowledge of Stars and Compasses

Many of times we take knowledge for granted.  We are told at a young age that if we look into the sky we can see stars and similarly, if we want to know which way we are going we should use a compass.  What we don't always think of is how we got these ideas.  Throughout these readings I appreciated that we learned how we figured out how to sail across the ocean accurately and how those trips changed from using the stars as a guide, as well as the technology that was invented throughout history.  I thought it was also important that the author pointed out that these discoveries also told us what isn't true.  Things like mermaids, the equator being boiling hot and the ideas of magnetic islands were all proven to be myths and now are just stories today.  Additionally, I believe the author did a very good job at pointing out we need to understand that not only one ship crew made these discoveries. Often we only look at the people who were successful and not those who lost their lives trying to find he world answers.  Overall, I enjoyed these readings and getting to know a little more about stars and compasses.


  1. I agree. This was one of my favorite readings and I also appreciated how he told us when something was not right.

  2. I have very similar thoughts on this article! It astounds me how much was unknown and how brave they must have been to even embark on these adventures!

  3. I also think it's important that we learn about false assumptions of the universe because we need to build upon the ideas of those who came before us and not repeat their mistakes. Leaning what does work is great but doesn't show the whole picture.

  4. I liked the article too, Alyssa. It really highlights the importance of expiring events and phenomena first hand and not being afraid to challenge one's own beliefs.

  5. I agree I also really enjoyed this reading. I enjoyed the author mentioning that these discoveries also allowed us to know what isn't true.
