Saturday, May 27, 2017

Stained Glass

Stained glass was always something I looked at either it was in churches or museums however I had no idea how it was made it how meticulous it was.  That all changed when we went to the last place in Poland.  The stained glass museum was very interesting because it showed the process of making stained glass.  I had no idea that one simple mistake while cutting or painting the glass would result in work that would have to be redone or completely destroyed.  However the most interesting part was making the stained glass ourself.  This museum was one if the most interesting finally in Poland.


  1. I agree that I never realized what had to go into making stained glass and that with one mistake you could mess up the entire piece of art. Additionally, I thought it was fascinating that you paint layers on the glass to get the depth of detail, in some of the pieces.

  2. I also believed that the stained glass museum was interesting. The different processes to make a window, either using lead or tin, was intriguing to hear about, along with the painting portion of the process.

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